Affirmations by Amma


In 2007 I saw a photo of an Indian spiritual leader and humanitarian called Amma (meaning "Mother"). Amma is known as the "hugging saint", because she spreads her love and blessings by hugging people. 

I was intrigued, and decided to attend a 3 day retreat with her when she next visited Australia.

Her impact on me was so profound, I now keep a photo of her in my bedroom, and I've attended at least 3 other retreats with her. 

I went from being utterly "in my head" and "in my ego" when I arrived at her retreat, to being in a state of reverence and peace by the second day, after my second hug with her. A complete stillness entered my mind, and all I wanted to do was to sit quietly at her feet, as throngs of seagulls flocked above our building. They could feel the energy and love!

I enjoy receiving emails from Amma Australia, and wanted to share with you these reminders from Amma to welcome in our new year. 

Amma writes: 

"In this new year, may our mind become serene, free from fear, from distress, from hatred and from anger! May the smile of love ever play on our lips. May compassion fill our heart. May the sun of discernment shine in our intellect. May everyone succeed in making the new year blessed with actions that spread the fragrance of love and compassion. 

May divine grace bless all my children!"


Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 10, to see which inspirational saying and Young Living essential oil or blend is choosing you today:

1. Be grateful towards life. Be grateful towards every life experience and towards
everyone who helps you in your life’s journey. Show gratitude towards this Earth and Nature. 
Oil Blend:  Gratitude
2. Good habits give our life direction and steer us away from the wrong path.
At the same time, we should try to stop bad habits. List your bad habits in a diary—such
as overeating, laziness, excessive use of cell phones, or craving for tasty food. Observe
your progress in conquering those bad habits.  
Oil Blend:  Highest Potential
3. Face all the challenges life prepares for you with serenity. Develop the mindset
to accept all life experiences. Light the flame of faith in the candle of the mind. Even when going through a hurricane, maintain the highest vigilance and keep the flame alight.  
Oil Blend:  Acceptance
4. We must develop the habit of laughing and smiling. Laughter is the best medicine
for physical and mental health. Laughter is also infectious and soon spreads joy to others.  
Oil Blend:  Inner Child
5. We should bring awareness into our every thought, word and action.  
Oil Blend: Present Time



6. Maintain faith in your chosen path, in God, in Guru, and in your own Self.
This will give you the strength to overcome any challenge life may throw your way. 
Oil Blend:  Gathering
7. Take responsibility for your failures and unhappy experiences. This will
help us to correct ourselves. 
Oil Blend:  Humility
8. Take care of your health. If necessary, bring changes in your lifestyle and food habits. 
Oil Blend:  En-R-Gee
9. Practice meditation every day to quieten the mind. 
Oil Blend:  Inspiration 
10. Be compassionate towards everyone, including birds and other animals and plants and trees.  
Oil Blend:  Joy