Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, to
see which inspirational saying and Young Living
essential oil or blend is choosing you today:
1. Never stand in your own shadow. You are here to be unapologetically you.
Oil Blend: Magnify your Purpose
Oil Blend: Magnify your Purpose
2. Beneath almost every pain, injury and illness is an emotion. Clear the
emotion, and the physical healing will follow.
Oil Blend: Release
emotion, and the physical healing will follow.
Oil Blend: Release
3. Everything that is given to me is a gift, even if it comes in a disguise.
Oil Blend: Gratitude
Oil Blend: Gratitude
4. Time, money and love are all energy currency. Give to a black hole and they disappear, never
to be seen again. Instead, give to those who are like snowballs running down a mountain. That small energy exchange is multiplied many times over, until it becomes an avalanche of
goodness that spreads around the Planet.
Oil Blend: Abundance
to be seen again. Instead, give to those who are like snowballs running down a mountain. That small energy exchange is multiplied many times over, until it becomes an avalanche of
goodness that spreads around the Planet.
Oil Blend: Abundance

5. You know the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. Wisdom is knowing when to walk away. Walk away too soon, and you miss the opportunity to help another step out of their comfort zone. But walk away too late, and you have wasted precious
energy on someone who is choosing the known over change.
Oil Blend: Clarity
6. Even when we follow in the footsteps of others, our footprints still leave their own inimitable mark.
Oil Blend: Sensation
Oil Blend: Sensation
7. You were never meant to be a clone of someone else. What a boring world that would be! Instead find your unique strengths and hone them, as they are your legacy to the world.
Oil Blend: Highest Potential
Oil Blend: Highest Potential
8. Life is a series of moments, strung together like a magical necklace. Be present to the
magic right in front of you now, for it will never be repeated.
Oil Blend: Present Time
magic right in front of you now, for it will never be repeated.
Oil Blend: Present Time
9. God grant me the wisdom to hold my tongue when another's ears are closed,
the courage to speak my truth when ears are open,
and the insight to know the difference.
Oil Blend: 3 Wise Men
the courage to speak my truth when ears are open,
and the insight to know the difference.
Oil Blend: 3 Wise Men
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