Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, to
see which inspirational saying and Young Living
essential oil or blend is choosing you today:
1. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Choose your attitude, and the wound loses its poison.
Oil Blend: Magnify your Purpose
Oil Blend: Magnify your Purpose
2. Live life with a light footstep. Treat everything as a gift, and hold nothing too tightly.
The easier you can let go, the happier you will be.
Oil Blend: Surrender
Oil Blend: Surrender
3. A Temple is only a Temple because of what it houses. Your body is the Temple of your Soul.
Single Oil: Sacred Frankincense
Single Oil: Sacred Frankincense
4. My heart is carbon neutral. I allow myself to receive in equal measure to the amount I give.
Oil Blend: Sensation
Oil Blend: Sensation

5. Uncertainty is a beautiful state. Like a fallow field, it allows our mind to replenish its nutrients. When it is ready, Spirit will sow in your mind the seeds of knowing.
Oil Blend: Clarity
Oil Blend: Clarity
6. Cultivate silence. Within this potent amphitheatre, the voice of your Soul will echo thunderously.
Oil Blend: Inspiration
Oil Blend: Inspiration
7. Practice Grace on a daily basis, and all burdens will feel lighter.
Oil Blend: Gratitude
Oil Blend: Gratitude
8. Allow curiosity to replace expectations, and your mind will be as a little bird freed from its cage.
Oil Blend: Release
Oil Blend: Release
9. What I believe about myself and what I AM are two very different creatures. One comes from my mind, tainted by past experiences; the other comes from my Soul, ALL-knowing and eternal.
Oil Blend: Believe
Oil Blend: Believe