Affirmations of the Amish


Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, to
see which inspirational saying and Young Living
essential oil or blend is choosing you today:

1. There are two kinds of leaders: those who are interested in the flock,
and those who are interested in the fleece.
Oil Blend: Magnify  your Purpose


2. Where love is, there riches be, keep us all from poverty.
Oil Blend:  Abundance


3. Many times we are climbing mountains when we ought to be quietly resting.
Oil Blend:  Sacred Mountain


4. Wisdom enables one to be thrifty without being stingy, generous without being wasteful.
Oil Blend:  Clarity



5. Today has one thing in which all of us are equal: time. All of us drew the same
salary in seconds, minutes, and hours.
Oil Blend:  Present Time


6. A person may hoard up money, he may bury his talents, but you cannot hoard up love.
Oil Blend:  Acceptance


7. Do more of less.
Oil Blend:  Surrender


8. The person who kills time has not learned the value of life. That which
controls your heart controls your life.
Oil Blend:  Joy


9. Beware of the barrenness of a too-busy life!
Oil Blend:  Peace & Calming


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