Swami Dayananda Saraswati, was a renowned Indian philosopher whose ideas and actions were revolutionary for their time, making him a revered figure in Indian history. His teachings continue to guide individuals in their spiritual journey today, inspiring them to strive for a better society based on the principles of truth, righteousness, and justice.

Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, to
see which inspirational saying and Young Living
essential oil or blend is choosing you today:
1. When you practice what is right even though you do not like doing it, and avoid what is wrong, even though you want to do it, you slowly change. Later, you find yourself in a position where what
is to be done is what you like to do, and what is not to be done is what you
do not like to do. That is, indeed, a successful life.
Oil Blend: Joy
Oil Blend: Stress Away
before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
Oil Blend: Inspiration
know that you are the creator of your own destiny.
Oil Blend: Believe

5. The world is ready to give up its secrets if we only know how to knock. The strength and force
of the knock comes through concentration. The power of concentration is the
only key to the treasure house of knowledge.
Oil Blend: Clarity
Oil Blend: Peace & Calming
Oil Blend: Acceptance
service, is to help others who are incapable of thanking in return.
Oil Blend: Highest Potential
Single Oil: Frankincense