Have you ever felt like you’re on the edge of a powerful transformation? That’s exactly how I feel right now.
And I’d like to ask you a small favour!!!
For the last 5 years, my spiritual heartbeat has been poured into our Raw Divinity blogs. This has been a labour of love, flowing alongside of my journey with essential oils and my wildlife volunteer work.
Even though my journey with oils and wildlife be continuing as it always has, something’s changed.
Ever since a friend of mine died unexpectedly in October last year, I’ve had some compelling and synchronous things happen in my life. They’ve all been pointing me in one clear direction. I’m being invited to use my wisdom to impact more lives.
I say “invited”, although it feels more like a kick up the butt!
Because I trust this guidance and where it comes from, I’ve said “yes” to the invitation. But what does this mean for Raw Divinity?
Well…..drum roll please…..I’ve spent the past month doing a deep inner exploration into why I’m here on the Planet, to discover the essence that I bring to the world. And that’s led to me to a decision to rebrand Raw Divinity, to reflect the new energy I’m bringing to it.
I’m keeping the name secret for a little while longer, but you’ll be one of the first to know! However, I would love to ask a favour.
So that I can make sure I’m creating content that is the most helpful for you, I have 3 questions I’d love you to answer. Please click the link below to complete a short survey.
By completing the survey, you’ll go in the draw to win a personally inscribed copy of my book Earth Song.
CLICK HERE to answer 3 quick questions to go into our special prize draw!!!

About Earth Song
This is a book that I wrote in 1998, which is as powerful today as it was then. Last week Sophie asked me if she could have a copy, as she was keen to read it. Well, it turns out she’s loving it so much that she can't put it down! Here’s what she wrote about it:
"Unlike many spiritual books that can feel like a maze of complex and condescending language, “Earth Song” is refreshingly straightforward. Each chapter is short and sweet, focussed on relatable topics, meaning you can read it from start to finish or simply dip in whenever you need a little inspiration. The exercises at the end of each chapter are so practical, helping you integrate what you've learned and showing you how to apply spiritual concepts in the real world.
Artemis has a true gift for writing about spirituality in an accessible way - with such warmth and heart that it honestly feels like she’s speaking directly to you. It’s a wonderful addition to my bookshelf."
- Sophie Stokes, Yoga Instructor