One of the principles of frequency is that weaker frequencies are pulled towards stronger frequencies.
That’s why when we are grounded and anchored, when we’re speaking authentically and from our passion, we attract people like moths to a flame.
So what does it mean to be “weaker” or “stronger”?
It’s like a radio channel. When it’s perfectly tuned, the sound is strong and clear. It’s a joy to listen to, and it captivates our attention.
But when the tuning isn’t quite right, we get a lot of crackle and interference. Our attention wavers, and then turns to other more enjoyable things.

But stronger frequencies aren’t always the higher frequencies.
Someone who so strongly embodies a “woe is me” and victim mentality can also emit a strong frequency, dragging down the frequencies around it.
If we are floating (mostly) on a higher plane, but not absolutely anchored in that plane, being around people with a lower frequency can be draining and cause our own frequency to lower.
Whilst we can do everything in our power to eliminate those negative frequencies and negative people from our life, life still throws us into orbit with these people at times.
That’s why I do my 7 Oil Ritual and Grounding and Protecting Rituals every morning. They are a great way to anchor in a strong positive energy that’s less likely to be knocked off kilter by strong negative energies that we encounter.
Gary Young (the founder of Young Living) was very interested in frequency. He knew that essential oils don’t just work physically and emotionally, they also work like a tuning fork on our energy field.
In the early 90’s he partnered with Bruce Tainio from Tainio Technology. Bruce had a radionics machine which Gary used to test frequencies.
I loved listening to Gary speak about one particular experiment that was done. Two men both had a resting frequency of 66 MHz.

One of them was given a cup of coffee to smell.
His frequency dropped from 66 MHz down to 58 MHz, which is the same frequency as the common cold.
Have you ever wondered why you and a bunch of friends can be in the room with someone who’s unwell, yet some of you get sick and some don’t? Perhaps those who get sick have a compromised immune system. But it can equally be explained by frequency.
We attract things that are at the same frequency as us. So when our frequency raises, we attract things that are at that higher frequency, and when our frequency drops, we attract things that are at that lower frequency.
You know the saying “I got out on the wrong side of bed this morning.” That just means that from the moment you got out of bed, one drama is followed by another drama then another, and so on. Things are challenging, and not in flow. Your path forwards is ripe with obstacles.
That’s often a clue that our frequency has dropped for some reason.
Fortunately we can lift our frequency up again, by doing practices like meditation, the 7 Oil Ritual, Grounding & Protecting, using crystals or Reiki, and engaging in any other high vibrational pursuits.
And guess what? In this experiment with the man who sniffed the coffee, he was given essential oils to sniff, and his frequency was back at 66 MHz in 21 seconds.
Yes, 21 seconds! That’s fast. In fact, essential oils are one of the fastest and easiest ways we can raise our frequency. That’s why so many people are falling in love with high quality essential oils like the ones from Young Living.
But now let’s take a look at the other man.
His frequency was also 66 MHz. Instead of being given a cup of coffee to sniff, he was given a cup of coffee to drink. His frequency didn’t just drop to 58 MHz, it dropped all the way down to 54 MHz, which is the frequency of cancer.
Eeek. That’s not fun.
He wasn’t given essential oils to sniff, and his frequency took 3 days to return to 66 MHz. That’s a lot of hours to be struggling with low frequency, and all its ripple effects.

So what’s the moral of this story?
Don’t drink coffee!!! No, I’m only joking here. I know I’d start a war by suggesting you give up coffee (if you’re a coffee lover), and the truth is that there are so many things around us that lower our frequency.
Giving up coffee is like removing one spot from a dirty window. It’s a drop in the ocean. What about sugar? What about chemicals in the air? What about EMFs? What about negative energy from people around us? What about our own negative self-talk?
So the real moral of this story is to have in your toolkit those practices and substances that can raise your frequency no matter what storms you encounter.
Be attuned to your own energy field, so that you know when your energy has dropped, and can respond to that.
Don’t accept suffering. We can’t always avoid the knocks that life sends to us, but suffering is optional.
Listen to your body. It will tell you how to take care of it, and when and how you can bend the rules.
Live life like a fluffy duck, bringing your heart and Soul to everything you do. And make sure you add high quality essential oils into your toolkit – ones that have been produced in such a way that they retain the life force of the plant, by preserving all the fragile constituents that make up the magic of the essential oil.
Trust your own gut instincts on the best essential oil for you in that moment, and diffuse it or put a drop on your chest or, and watch for the transformation.
Remember, it took only 21 seconds for that first man’s frequency to bounce back when he used essential oils. That’s quicker than the time taken to take the lid off the bottle of essential oils, and apply the drop to your skin or diffuser.
Now, all you need to do when you’re feeling off balance or “blah” is to reach for your favourite essential oils.
Contact us for assistance and advice around the best essential oils to help you and your loved ones