In my blog from a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I’ve been on a deep exploration into my Soul’s purpose. Why am I here on the Planet, and what gifts and essence do I bring to the world?
I want to share this journey with you. If you are seeking more clarity around your own Soul (or business) path, I hope this blog will help you as well, and be something you can implement in your own life.
Uncover your Purpose
As I deep dive into my inner Universe, it’s obvious that my love of essential oils and animals are a huge part of my world. They’re in my blood, and I feel on track with that part of my journey.
Yet something’s been missing.
In my quietest moments, I feel my spiritual heartbeat underpinning everything. That’s where Raw Divinity comes in. It’s a platform I set up 5 years ago to give voice to this part of me; somewhere I can share about my inner world, and the gifts and “ah ha” moments of my life. I have always known that in sharing this as authentically as I can, it will somehow help others in their life. And based on the beautiful comments shared in my last blog, it certainly has.
But recently, my journey with Raw Divinity has changed. I’ve been feeling this change coming for a while, like the murmurings of a volcano heralding its next eruption. And true to form, there have been some amazing synchronicities and “signs” over the past months, all of which are signalling a transformation that’s about to take place. I’ve been shown that it’s time to rebrand and refresh, to align with the deeper purpose of this offering.
So are you curious to know more? May I draw you into my special secret?
As you know, timing is everything.
The first “sign” happened 4 months ago. Within an hour of receiving news that a friend had died unexpectedly, I found myself at a special lunch event, and just “happened” to be seated next to a movie producer. My tears had almost dried up by that stage, and I enjoyed an invigorating conversation. As I listened to the story of this man’s life - from rebellious hairdresser to script writer to entrepreneur - something awakened in me.
My 24 year old Self had just woken up from a very deep slumber, as we discussed our passions for life and the times we’ve deliberately bucked the system.
Don’t get me wrong. I love systems, and they are an important part of my life. Systems allow me to find balance between the many facets of my world. They allow me to find ways of being super productive. They allow me to scale any innovative idea.
But they are also an imposed construct, designed to create a sense of order. And our true Self exists at the polar opposite edge to systems. That’s why bucking the system can be so liberating, and can lead to such breakthroughs.
My 24 year old Self bucked the system a lot. She lived with an “anything goes” attitude to life, exploring it with intense presence and passion. And because of that, she changed my life. I went from working for the National Parks & Wildlife Service to working for myself. Then I threw my entire career away and moved to Indonesia with my first husband.
Unable to work in my chosen career (as a zoologist), I set up a centre for Spiritual Wellbeing called “In Reach”. I started my journey as a healer and psychic, and invited guest speakers to to educate my circle of friends in the healing arts (yoga, meditation, and so much more).
I never returned to the person I was. My 24 year old Self ensured that I let go of one shore, and she had the courage to swim the deep waters until she found a new shore.
And she was right. Through her journey, I discovered who I am….and that’s a journey that has no end.
Although I left “In Reach” behind when I left Indonesia, the seeds that were sown at that time led to my spiritual career blossoming when I returned to Australia. And even though essential oils have captured my heart, I’ve never lost sight of my spiritual path. The two are perfectly intertwined. And that’s what led to the platform you know as Raw Divinity.
The Transformation
So I opened my mouth and asked the question. I was talking to this movie producer, and shared with him about Raw Divinity, and how I’d love to do “more” with that side of my life, alongside of my oils journey.
He made an honest comment about the name “Raw Divinity”. He said it didn’t speak to him. So I began asking others, and really checking in with myself.
I realised that the name Raw Divinity sounds like it’s “out there” somewhere. It’s a beautiful name (albeit one that makes some people think of food)….but it’s somewhat distant, like something special being held at arms distance, rather than being given in love and compassion to a fellow traveller.
So I set out in search of a new name.
To find a new name, I need to get very clear on what my gifts are, and my Purpose. What is it that I bring to the world, which I want to share through my spiritual platform?
My early morning walks along Main Beach in Byron Bay have become sacred time for me. As my footsteps disappear behind me in the sand, my mind opens to the sun and sky, the seagulls and waves, with a curiosity to really see myself.
And that’s where certain things became crystal clear.
You see, I’m very good at doing what I do without much fuss. I care for injured animals. I reach people in the dark night of their Soul. I watch and listen, so I can see where I’m called. And I love being an introvert, hiding behind the power of my words, quietly slipping between worlds as I do my “thing”.
But here I’m being asked to step up….to be more than I have been before, out in the world. To reach more hearts and Souls, so that Spirit (aka Love/God) can work through me in even more ways. Would you like to know what else I learned about myself on my beach walks?
What are your true gifts in the world?
Here is what I discovered about my own spiritual gifts, as expressed in my life and in Raw Divinity…
- I give people insight and awareness.
- My words connect them to their truth.
- I help people to see past their blind spots
- My genuine presence allows people to feel seen (on the deepest level of their Soul); and
- I give hope where there is darkness, and clarity where there is despair
When creating any path or direction, it’s important to understand our Purpose. So I spent hours mulling over the words that best describe what I do – jotting down key words, then refining, and refining.
Here is My Purpose, the clarity which arose out of my daily beach musings and my scrawls on many pieces of paper:
I am a guide for the “road less travelled”, helping people connect
with the wisdom of their true heart and Soul. By awakening
consciousness within individuals and communities in this way,
we together create a Planet where every Being may thrive.
But knowing my Purpose was just the beginning. I also wanted to understand my audience. I read something in the book “Compassion in Action” by Ram Dass. He wrote, “The people I serve are defined by their conscious intention to become free.”
Tick. Yes, that’s my audience too.
Once I had my Purpose anchored, and I’d gained clarity around my audience, the next step was answering the question, “How do I help these people who are my tribe?”
I began brainstorming and feeling into every possible avenue….and that led me to see that my impact will come not only through my writing (my regular blogs and present and future books), but also through videos and podcasts and one-on-one sessions, and through mentoring programs and collaboration. I'd love to one day have a charity that makes a difference every day in the lives of people and animals.
My dreams are huge. They are definitely worthy of the term “BHAG” (big, hairy, audacious goals).
Create your Values
Dreams are powerful, yet they are nothing without a set of values. Your values are the compass for your dreams. They show you your true North.
It’s natural that we have values for both business and life, and that includes relationships. Without clearly defined values, how do we know if something is not in alignment with us?
So after more hours of soul searching, I created “version 1” of the values that guide my life and my spiritual path (including Raw Divinity and all that it’s about to become).
Values are always a work in progress, and they are meant to be. We need to test them out, adapt them, and add new ones to the list as life shows us what’s most important to us. Here are mine, in the context of Raw Divinity:
- We care about people, animals and nature
- We demonstrate conscious and humble leadership that inspires trust
- We are visionary, creative and innovative
- We are passionate about making a difference, and celebrate impact, excellence and efficiency
- We communicate with honesty and sincerity, treating others with respect
- We show gratitude in meaningful ways
- We view every challenge and every connection as an opportunity for positive change
- We value authenticity, compassion and kindness
Choose a Name that reflects your Purpose & Values
One night as all of this was unfolding, I received a text message. A few weeks earlier I’d reached out to an entrepreneur’s group that I’m part of and offered to do a keynote presentation. The text came back. They’d love to talk to me about it.
That simple trigger anchored my dreams and visions into a tangible action step, ie. the possibility of speaking to a group of hundreds of conscious entrepreneurs whom I respect deeply. And with the adrenaline rush that this produced, a whole download of ideas came to me.
You can picture the scenario. My head was on the pillow, and an idea popped into my mind. So I got up and wrote it down, then went back to bed. This went on for hours. Sleep clearly wasn’t on the agenda that evening!
And one of the downloads I received was my new business name for my spiritual adventure. Are you ready to hear what it is? I’d love to know what you think…..
So…it’s with great excitement that I do the big reveal…..drum roll please……
The Big Reveal
It will be my own name, Artemis, that will take the place of Raw Divinity.
I’ve decided not to hide behind a business name, as my own name is such a powerful affirmation of strength and life.
My name will be followed by a 3 word tagline, which sums up my Purpose. This allows people at a glance to understand who I am and what I do. And following that tag line will be my Purpose.
Here’s the butterfly that’s emerging from the chrysalis that was Raw Divinity. Our new name will be:
The Heart Whisperer
Changing Lives and the Planet
My next step is creating the logo and brand colours, and I’ve found a gorgeous designer in the US who is helping me with that. Check out her designs….they have a depth to them which is based on nature and reflects the love and care in the brand itself. She and I start working together this week. I can’t wait to see what she creates!
Let me know your thoughts on her work. I hope you fall in love with it as much as I have!!!!