I am blown away by the number of responses I received to my special announcement in our last blog. If you were one of the people who took the time to complete the survey and write something beautiful for me, thank you!!!
It’s amazing how a kind word or a little bit of thoughtfulness can change someone’s life. It puts us in a circle of love that has ripples throughout our world. I trust that my blogs and their heart-felt sharing have helped you in some way, just as your words have helped me.
If you scroll down, you’ll be able to read some of the beautiful comments that were made about my Raw Divinity blogs. We had well over 100 responses, so there are many I wasn’t able to include here, but please know that I’ve smiled as I read each one.
Everyone who responded went into the draw to win an autographed copy of my book Earth Song.
CLICK HERE to see if you are the lucky winner!!!
After I read your blog The Calling about you going back to help a raven on the road, I drove past a duck that had been hit. I thought it was already dead, but my daughters said they saw its head move.
Thinking it was probably just a feather in the wind, I went back anyway. It was alive!
We gathered a box with straw in it and brought the animal off the road and near a warm fire. The girls were so quiet and reverent while we held space for this small creature. It moved a little then settled. I started making some calls to find the best course of action for an injured duck, with a spark of hope that maybe it could make it. As I was doing this, the duck passed away.
It was very quiet in the room yet there was a sense of love. I sat with the duck and blessed it on its journey, and I sensed a returning “thank you”. It was as though the duck had died with dignity, surrounded with love and care. I am deeply grateful for the experience. If I hadn’t read your blog I might not have turned around.
- Samantha
Hi Artemis, I would like to let you know that I have your book Earth Song. It belonged to my mother (she passed 20 years ago), and she said it was the best spiritual book she had ever read. So of course I had to read it too and I totally agree it was wonderful.
My mother had many, many metaphysical spiritual type books, so for her to love your book the most was something special.
I was also pretty chuffed when I realised it was written by you, our Young Living goddess.
I read it many years ago and this has just prompted me to get it out of the bookshelf and read it again. Thank you so much.
- Kathryn
Artemis, I have never met you, but you speak to me like you are one of my best friends.
You always come from the heart. There are times when you speak about difficult things in your life, and I think OMG mine is the same! There are other times you have taught me to be a better person. Please just keep being you, as you really do touch my heart and the hearts of so many others.
With your amazing gifts and writing from the heart plus touching so many hearts, I know you will be a success in guiding us through the ups and downs, till we create a better world.
I can't thank you enough for all the amazing work that you do, and for touching my heart with every single email that I receive.
There are so many times I have wanted to email you back after reading one of your blogs and say, "Me too, I've been feeling that way too!” I'm glad that now I have the chance through this survey to to tell you just how special your emails are. Wishing you love and light.
- Irene
Artemis, I have been involved with you and your beautiful business in one way or the other for about 18 years now, and have loved everything! Information is knowledge, and knowledge needs to be shared, and that is what you do so beautifully. I then share that knowledge with my own loved ones. You have given me hope and inspiration, as well as kicks in the butt (well needed sometimes, I must admit)! I am deeply grateful for all that you do.
- Raeleen
Your blogs always seem so timely. More often than not, it is like you are a Divine conduit speaking directly to me. I find your blogs inspirational, insightful, uplifting, thoughtful and definitely Divinely-guided. I look forward to them and I look forward to seeing, hearing and reading where/what you are being guided and led to next.
- Paula
I just love the way your blogs make me feel connected to something so much bigger than my own journey and my family or inner circle. I love the oil sequences you share – you’ve helped me find new ways to use my essential oils, and increased the deep respect I have for Gary Young and this wonderful planet we have the privilege of inhabiting. Your blogs have also inspired me to show up in service for my team, family and community in ways I wouldn’t have had the confidence to had I not read them and been uplifted.
- Wendy
Artemis, I love the spiritual insight into your world and how often you show your vulnerability….and that it is ok to do so. It makes me think about things differently, looking for signs and viewing my actions differently. It has gently opened up another world for me.
- Sue
Artemis, your blog gives me hope and comfort in knowing that there are others out there that feel like I feel, and that I am not alone.
- Athena
I loved your Fluffy Duck blog! It helped me tune into my body's natural rhythms of when to get certain things done, and to know when is not the right time.
- Melissa
Your blogs are always a delight to read. They’re inspirational, and I know when I see an email waiting for me it will challenge my thinking and inspire change or new habits.
- Brooke
I love the Affirmations blogs you send out, where I get to intuitively choose a number between 1 and 9. Every time the message that goes with the number I have chosen has aligned really well, confirming that I am connected.
- Rosanne
I love learning about new ways to use essential oils spiritually. These suggestions help me on a daily basis, depending on how I am feeling and which oils you suggest. They instil comfort, calmness, positivity, strength and peace of mind. Thank you for these wonderful suggestions, and to Gary Young for our wonderful oils.
- Sarah
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