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An Aboriginal Encounter: Journey into The Dreaming

  Do you believe in Spirits? I’ve had many an experience with energies and entities that are not in a physical body, enough that I absolutely know they exist and walk amongst us (albeit on an invisible plane). One of the strangest experiences I’ve had was at my own home. I’d recently moved in, and was enjoying an evening of Earth meditation. For these, I wander down the grassy slope outside my home, and sit in front of the beautiful rainforest trees that are at the lower end of my property. There, I set up a blanket and cushions, and wrap myself in a cotton sarong to deter any mosquitoes from distracting me. And this is where I most love...

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Affirmations to bring Light to any situation

Don’t you love the experience of being in flow? As I was wondering what affirmations to use for this week’s blog, my beautiful assistant Sophie reached out and said “Artemis, I’ve been reading this book called The Book of She by Sara Avanti Stover. It has some incredible inspirational stories in there. I think it would be an amazing basis for this month’s Raw Divinity affirmations.” And so Sophie has chosen these inspiring quotes for you, and I’ve selected the essential oil blends to partner with each quote. Are you ready to discover which statement has chosen you this month? Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which inspirational saying and oil blend is choosing you today: 1....

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Healing from Sole to Soul

    With our world going through such a massive period of disruption, it often feels like we are in “Phoenix” times. You know the mythical Phoenix bird, that is destroyed by the fire, only to rise anew from the ashes? It’s a powerful symbol of what is immortal amidst the chaos of change. And no matter how advanced we are along our spiritual path, we are all feeling the impact of the present energies on our beautiful Planet. During these times, grounding is so important. Whilst we can achieve that through grounding visualisations and by connecting our feet to the Earth, one way to amplify any of these experiences is to apply essential oils under the soles of our...

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What does numerology tell you about the year ahead?

  I had the joy of attending our local Starlight Festival in January, and immersing myself in the stalls and workshops associated with this festival. One of the workshops I attended was about Cosmic Numerology, and it was a wonderful refresher on the power of numbers in our life. Have you ever seen the same number recurring over and over? For me, that happens most commonly with the numbers 11:11 and 9:11. 11:11 is our Spiritual Guides letting us know that we are in the perfect place and the perfect time. It’s a reminder that we’re not alone in this Universe, and that everything is unfolding exactlyas it should. Some people say it’s a great time to make a wish....

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Inspirations to guide your thoughts

I’ve been on a luscious 6 week break, to give myself time to recharge and reset. During that time, I’ve transformed my chaotic office into a peaceful and Zen work space. As I sorted through papers that were sitting on my desk, I came across a letter that had been sent to me many years ago. This friend had compiled inspirational messages and sayings that he thought I would enjoy reading. For many of them, the author is anonymous, but the truth can be heard between the words. Enjoy! Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which inspirational saying and oil blend is choosing you today: 1. No one has the authority to hate another or to condemn...

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