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Winter Affirmations

  It's coming up to that cold and quiet season in my corner of the world. What does Winter mean to you? If we look at the world around us, we see Winter as a time of solitude and rest. It’s time to refill our cup ready for the energy and excitement of Spring, to go within and reflect and reconnect. I hope these Winter affirmations will help you appreciate the beauty of the season you're in, whatever the weather outside or in your heart. May it be a season of grounding, of acceptance and sweet, sweet rest. Are you ready to discover which statement has chosen you this month? Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see...

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White Angelica - the oil of the Angels

Have you felt the energies lately? As our Planet shifts and moves like the giant Mumma that she is, we all feel the ripple effects of her changes in energy. The energies are becoming much more potent. In essence, they are heightening in a way we’ve not experienced in our lifetime. This is driving so much to the surface in all of us. As I look around me, I’m humbled to see how many of my beautiful friends are struggling. And I feel those struggles within myself as well. So many physical and emotional bubbles are rising to the surface to be healed. It’s natural in times like this that we can be surrounded by loved ones, yet still feel...

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Hobbits and Runes

    Have you ever felt like you are a passenger in your life, and that a force far greater than your mere mortal Self is in the driver’s seat? We call this being in “Flow”, and in these moments we consciously witness ourselves moving through the river of life, with all of its perfect synchronicities. Nothing happens by chance. We see so clearly the movement of Spirit within us, managing the divine timing so that we end up in the perfect place at the perfect time…over and over again. Last week I shared with you the powerful way in which my own barriers to the world came cracking open in an Ice Bath experience. For at least 6 years,...

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The Icicle of Transformation

Just over a week ago, I went away for a few nights. I’m part of a conscious entrepreneur’s group, and we meet 4 to 6 times a year as a way of inspiring each other, challenging ourselves, and simply having connection with like-minded people. But I have a confession to make. I’ve never been great in crowds. I become like the most awkward teenager when I’m thrust into a group of people. Small intimate groups with a handful of people and a single conversation are no problem at all…and larger groups if I’m teaching are no problem (because everyone’s energy is focussed in one direction, ie. the direction I want to take them). But crowds in a social setting are...

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Words of Inspiration from Pema Chodron

Buddhism is a beautiful path, with ancient roots. However, not everyone finds Buddhism to be accessible to them.Well, they say that the teacher appears when the student is ready, and one day I was browsing a bookstore, and there was The Pocket, by Pema Chödrön. I can distinctly remember the first time I read that famous book; it was one of the most beautiful and unique reads I had ever come across. I instantly admired Chödrön’s forthrightness. Her eloquent and timely words were a turning point that guided me to daily journal writing and believing in the worthiness of my own heart.  These are some of my favourite quotes...  Are you ready to discover which statement has chosen you this month? Intuitively pick a...

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