Would it sadden you to know that microplastics now contaminate our entire Planet, from the depths of the ocean to the peaks of Mount Everest? 300 million metric tons of plastic are produced every year. That’s roughly the weight of the entire human population. So it’s no wonder that trillions of degraded bits of plastic are lurking largely unseen in the environment. Even back as far as 1971, marine biologist Ed Carpenter noticed thousands of strange white specks floating amongst the seaweed in the Sargasso Sea, 550 miles from any mainland. Upon closer investigation, he discovered they were tiny bits of plastic. If plastic was found that far from land, then he concluded that it is all over the place....
Did you enjoy my last blog? If so, you will know I’ve been away at a 7 day Aboriginal Healing workshop. This week, I want to share with you my most powerful take-away from this intense and wonderful week. I went into the workshop expecting to learn a fascinating new modality. Yet I came out of that workshop having gained something totally unexpected. And I realised that disruption is our greatest teacher. As very young children, our life is full of wonder and new experiences. We are like the sponge, soaking up the world, growing and learning in every way possible. Our Being is innately malleable, and nothing is “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. It just is. If we...
By the time you read this, I will be gone. Gone where? No, not from this Planet, although maybe just for a bit. Don’t panic. I’m not committing suicide. But I’ll be gone on a journey into another dimension…and I will return. But I guess like any journey, we’re never the same at the end as we are at the beginning. If this is sounding a bit too esoteric for you, let me explain. One of the principles I live my life by is “Zig Zag”. My beautiful mentor has instilled into me the importance of living life as a zig zag, not as a straight line. When we head in a straight line, we’re way too predictable....
It has often occured to me that the events of our lives are similar to the changing of the tide, or the shifting of the wind.We can view difficult times as mistakes or miscalculations. Or we can accept that they are simply the course of our days, the pattern of our years and the flow of the life that was given to us...Today's affirmations come from the charming memoirs of sailor Richard Bode from his book: 'First You Have to Row a Little Boat'. Written by a grown man looking back on his childhood, his book reflects on what learning to sail taught him about life, ie. making choices, adapting to change, and becoming his own person. Are you ready to discover which statement has chosen...
I’ve always loved using my intuition to guide me to the right oil or oil blend for any situation. After more than 23 years of working with the Young Living essential oils, I have a great knowledge of the actions of these essential oils, and of which oils work with which parts of our body. Yet it’s when I use my intuition that the magic happens. That’s when I discover new uses for essential oils – ones I’d never thought to use in a particular situation, or combinations I’d never imagined would work well together. I’ve often felt that many of these insights are indeed ancient knowings about herbs and oils from lives gone by, which are re-emerging into my...