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Affirmations for Overcoming Life's Challenges

A timeless classic, The Road Less Travelled is a landmark work that has inspired  millions of us around the world. It definitely inspired me. When I first read it, I knew that I was indeed on the “road less travelled”, and was never destined to live an “ordinary” life. Drawing on the experiences of his career as a psychiatrist, the author M. Scott Peck combines both scientific and spiritual views to guide us through the difficult, painful times in life by showing us how to confront our problems through the principles of discipline, love and grace. Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, to see which inspirational saying and oil blend is choosing you today: 1. Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.It is a great...

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Unravelling your Patterns

What happens when you are triggered by something that another person has said or done? In our last two blogs, I explored emotions that overwhelm, and also our day-to-day yin/yang of emotions. Our emotions are such a gift to us, when we know how to work with them effectively. That means being able to (a) recognise that we’re triggered; (b) swim in the emotional tension rather than immediately reacting, and (c) take a step back and ask for a fresh perspective. Yet sometimes when we step back and ask for a fresh perspective, we may feel like no one is listening. We’re still too caught in our pain to be able to achieve that level of transformation. When that happens, there’s...

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The Yin-Yang of Emotions

There are times we all need a helping hand, when our emotions become so overwhelming that we feel like we can’t get our head above water. That was the topic of my last blog, and I shared two simple tips for how to rise above intense emotional turmoil, so we can make clear decisions. This week, I want to explore the yin-yang flow of our everyday emotional journey. What does our relationship with our emotions ideally look like, as we start to heal our emotional wounds? Let’s begin with the analogy I used in my last blog. We all have this stunning crystalline aura, yet embedded in its surface are lumps of necrotic pus-oozing tissue. This is in stark contrast...

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A Powerful Oil for Emotional Turbulence

You must look upon your illusionsand not keep them hidden,for they do not rest on their own foundations. -A Course in Miracles  I love this quote from A Course in Miracles, and have held it close to my heart for many years. We could easily substitute the word “emotions” for “illusions”, because any time we are experiencing an illusion about ourself in the world, we are also experiencing the corresponding emotion that it triggers. The greatest gift I learned from my journey with A Course in Miracles was the ability to recognise when I was emotionally triggered, and to consciously step out of that perception into an empty blank slate, where I could then ask Spirit to show me the...

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Affirmations for Healing & Purpose

Who am I? What is my life purpose? Where am I going when I die? These are some of the big life questions Dr. Michael Newton dedicated his life to finding answers for. In his search he discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us on our journey through the human experience, and beyond. Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9,to see which inspirational saying and single oil or blend is choosing you today: 1. Souls are an expression of beauty, imagination and creativity.The ancient Egyptians said that to begin to understand the soul,one must listen to the heart. I think they were right. Oil Blend: Joy  2. The important thing is to recognise our faults,avoid self-denial, and have the courage...

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