Recently I had the joy of talking to my spiritual teacher, and we got onto the topic of abundance. “Money is just energy,” he said to me. “It can be good energy, or bad energy.” He went on to explain that abundance is all around us. When we are in alignment with ourself and our path, money doesn’t need to be a point of focus – it flows effortlessly and there is always enough for our needs. Conversely, when we are out of alignment with ourself and our path, it doesn’t flow. “That’s why I always give 110% to my clients in every session,” he went on to say, “Because I want that money to be good energy.” This got me pondering. How...
Who were you before the world told you who to be? Untamed, by Glennon Doyle, explores the joy and peace we discover when we stop striving to meet the expectations of the world, and instead dare to listen to and trust in the voice deep inside us. Intuitively choose a number between 1 and 9, and see which inspirational saying and Young Living essential oil is choosing you today. 1. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.Oil Blend: Valor 2. Every time you’re given a choice between disappointing someone else anddisappointing yourself, your duty is to disappoint that someone else. Your job,throughout your life, is to disappoint as many people as ittakes to avoid disappointing yourself.Oil...
In my last blog “A glitch in the Matrix”, I shared about a very powerful trigger I’d had, which helped me unravel a deep-seated belief about my relationship with men. As the threads of this pattern revealed themselves, I made a fresh and empowering choice – to see and be seen by men. Choices are incredibly powerful when they come from the depths of our Being and not from our intellect. They reflect that raw Soul yearning for something more in our life….something that our heart desires, but to which our limiting patterns have created an invisible barrier. In making that choice, I let the genie out of the bottle. I’ve seen men in a whole new light, and they’ve...
Last month, I shared a very powerful process for unravelling our patterns. These are the deepest, darkest beliefs we formed about ourselves in our childhood, which drive our behaviour within the matrix. But they do more than that. Our patterns work like a magnet to attract into our field everything that resonates with that pattern. That’s why someone who had abuse in their childhood will often attract similar abusive situations and relationships as an adult – whether that’s a boss who bullies them, or a partner who uses violence to control the relationship. This repeating of patterns validates every belief we formed about ourselves. It also reinforces those early decisions we made about how to survive in the world that we...
I was enjoying a beach walk last week, and I began thinking about the topic of scars. We show our age in many different ways, but one of them is through the accumulation of life’s scars.These scars can be physical or emotional, raw or (mostly) healed.My left hand bears a scar from when a dog bit me as a child. I never really think of it, but it sits there as a signpost to a trauma I went through when I was 6 years of age. At the time, it was significant.But as the years have rolled by, it’s receded into the background of my memory, until it’s barely noticeable (physically and emotionally). When I was 28, I was married...