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The Money Tree

    Did you know that there are two very different ways that we can give? One is a pure unconditional gift. We see someone in need, or asking for help, and we reciprocate by giving them what they are asking for. Most often they are asking for money, however money is simply a form of energy. It’s one of our Universal currencies, but not the only one. Someone could just as easily be asking for love or acceptance or forgiveness, or a roof over their head.It feels good to give in this unconditional way, doesn’t it? But is it really unconditional? And if it is unconditional, is it the “right” way to give? I’ve recently had the opportunity to...

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Are you suffering from Spiritual Schizophrenia?

    As humans, we often get caught in polarity. We identify with black or with white, focussing on these as opposite poles. “I’m a caring good person; That person’s a selfish bad person.” But what we neglect to consider is that these two poles exist on a continuum, with many shades of grey in between. We are each salt and pepper, not black and white. Where do you sit in the black-white continuum? I have been re-reading (for the fifth time) one of the most impactful spiritual books I’ve ever read, which is The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel. And I’m up to a section that talks about spiritual schizophrenia. It’s amazing how we can read a...

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Guilty as Charged

  I was driving to Brisbane just before Christmas, and I saw a sign on the side of the road. It said, “Maintain safe space for the unexpected”. Although it was referring to maintaining a safe space between vehicles when driving, I realised it had a powerful meaning for my life. Maintain safe space for the unexpected. Wow – what a great message about life. As I think about my own life, I realise this is something I don’t do. I plan my year, but don’t allow enough space for the unexpected. And so when those curved balls then land in my lap, I find myself up to my eyeballs in things I’ve committed to, and inevitably I’m letting someone...

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Affirmations by Amma

  In 2007 I saw a photo of an Indian spiritual leader and humanitarian called Amma (meaning "Mother"). Amma is known as the "hugging saint", because she spreads her love and blessings by hugging people.  I was intrigued, and decided to attend a 3 day retreat with her when she next visited Australia. Her impact on me was so profound, I now keep a photo of her in my bedroom, and I've attended at least 3 other retreats with her.  I went from being utterly "in my head" and "in my ego" when I arrived at her retreat, to being in a state of reverence and peace by the second day, after my second hug with her. A complete stillness...

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How to Live an Extraordinary Life

  I’ve often heard it mentioned that if we want more abundance, prosperity and success in our life, we should surround ourselves with people who are abundant, prosperous and successful. That’s a great principle. Yet it doesn’t just apply to the arena of abundance. It equally applies to all aspects of our life. We’re vibrational beings, and we choose the vibration we hold in. If we are constantly around people who see themselves as victims, who are stuck in their life, and simply don’t have any desire to change that perspective, then we can find ourselves drawn into that heavier vibration. These people typically have a fixed mindset, ie. “I am who I am, and nothing can change that”. In...

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