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Is your glass half empty

I’ve always thought of myself as someone who sees the world from a “Glass Half Full” (or even overflowing) perspective. When faced with a challenge, I look for the gift. When staring at a road block, I actively look for the solutions.  But I had an interesting thing happen yesterday, which has changed my perspective.  In my capacity as a volunteer wildlife rescuer, I had been caring under license for an injured python – a really big Mumma python, almost 3 metres long, and very strong. I named her Bliss because of her gentle personality. I was comfortable reaching into her enclosure, picking her up without the extra caution of “heading” her (meaning to hold her head). I trusted her. ...

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Loving Detachment

We often bandy around the word “Loving Detachment”, but what does it really mean?   There’s the obvious meaning to the term – to be in a state of loving, without having an agenda or attachment to the outcome. But how is this actually achieved? There’s an issue here. Most people are simply “trying” to be loving. They spend their lives “trying” to be good people, to be helpful to others, to be humble and kind.  Nothing wrong with this – like meditation, loving is a choice that those on the path to the Light need to consciously practice every day. And it’s a great practice.  When we are embodying love, that love is like the blood that runs through our...

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Is your totem plant an aromatic plant

Many plants produce essential oils, so it's very possible that your Totem Plant has its own essential oil. And if it does, then using its essential oil in your life can be a great way to access the consciousness and teachings of that plant...

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