Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which affirmation is choosing you today: 1. My Soul is a beautiful flame which lights my path every day 2. I am always in the right place at the right time, and my life and lessons are unfolding exactly as they need to 3. Behind every challenge is the gift of growth and wisdom that it offers 4. I am One with all things – friend and foe 5. This cloud has a beautiful silver lining which will reveal itself in perfect time 6. When I release all expectations from a situation, I can experience it exactly as it’s meant to be 7. When I release judgment,...
When I first read about Frankincense oil, I was struck by the comment that it “connects us to God and the Divine”. How often do we find ourselves feeling alone, even when we’re surrounded by crowds of people? Have you ever felt lost, and longed for someone or something to be your lighthouse, to look deep into your heart and Soul and show you the beautiful shining light within? It’s no wonder it was treasured more than gold, and became one of three precious gifts given to the Christ child by the three Magi. Yet its mystery has seeped into many different cultures and spiritual practices, not only Christianity. Whether you enjoy the blessing of Frankincense resin burning in...
Don’t you just love a good mystery!?! This week, one of our followers reached out to me with a strange dream she’d had. See if you can work out its meaning before I let you know my thoughts! Our dreams are very personal, so to interpret someone else’s dream means we need to stand in their shoes for a moment, and delve into their subconscious mind and its associations. How to interpret your dreams I always love to ask some questions to understand the dream better. The questions I ask are: Where is it set? This gives clues to what part of your life the dream is focussing on. Who are the characters? This shows which aspect of your Self...
In our last blog I shared about Manny, the horse with wings. That experience left me with a burning and heart-felt question. What happens when every particle of our being tells us we are heading in the “right” direction for our life, yet life then zigzags and takes us on a completely different path? At those times has something gone wrong, like a Universal “glitch”? Or was our initial spiritual certainty misplaced? To understand the answer, I need to take you on another journey - this time with a snake called Rebel. It was 6 weeks ago, and the afternoon sun was fading into evening when a notification popped up on my phone. A man had been using a whipper...
Life doesn’t always unfold the way we expect. One door opens, another one closes, and over time we look back and usually we understand why things unfolded in the way they did, and the gifts they brought. But have you ever been absolutely certain your life is meant to take you along one path, and you see your future clearly outlined before you….and suddenly, the whole world pivots on its axis and you end up in a completely different Universe to the one you expected? It’s a very disconcerting experience, like moving against gravity, and it leaves a lot of unanswered questions. I had this happen in 2012. But to tell you the story, I need to go back much...