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Mysterious Dreams

Our dreams are a bridge between our conscious and subconscious. They carry messages from our Higher Self and our spiritual guides, usually in a symbolic form. The messages are often encrypted, and take some exploration to unlock. Yet once unlocked, they are a much more powerful teacher than words alone, because symbols activate deep emotions within us. A symbol paints a thousand words and a thousand emotions.  Let me show you a foundation for interpreting your dreams. Learning dream interpretation is like learning a new language, but with practice and a good foundation, you will master it. Last week, a friend came to me with a strange dream, and asked for my input. At first glance, the dream was very...

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3 Angels

  This morning my heart called me to do a beach walk. It was a walk of many sensations, the perfect moving meditation. As my feet kissed the sand, I was struck by the sudden sensation of coolness on my skin. Winter is almost upon us, after all. And after that moment of grounding, I walked towards the ocean, my eyes scanning the beauty around me.   It was an overcast day, and the strong cloud cover brought out the deep blue and green colours of the ocean. Although the wind was still, the waves were large. The criss-cross of white froth on their underside flashed for an instant like a beautifully embroidered skirt on a Parisian Can-Can dancer, before...

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Vibrational Essences Versus Essential Oils

  If you love exploring natural therapies, you will know how powerful vibrational essences are. Whether we’re talking homeopathics, Bach Flower Essences, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Shell Essences or Aurasoma, the vibration of these substances works like a guiding light to our inner vibration, calling our Soul into spiritual and vibrational alignment. Like putting pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together, when we are in vibrational alignment, many other aspects of our life fall into place. Because most vibrational essences contain only minute traces of the actual physical substance, they are non-toxic and have no direct impact on the body’s biochemistry. But what about essential oils? Are they also a vibrational essence? The short answer is “Yes” - they are a...

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The Spark

The place of presence and stillness that we discover in our Earth Meditations has a wonderful ripple effect into our life. I’ve noticed that the deeper I sink into connection with myself, the more communion I experience with Earth’s many creatures, great and small. Even the spiders of the house sense that I’m no threat, and respond to my gentle encouragement to jump into a small container so I can carry them outside. I catch flies in the same way, delivering them to their outdoor playground. This happens on a daily basis, and each time I’m using my consciousness to communicate with these animals. Yet every now and then, I’ll have an interaction that stands out above all the rest,...

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Things that go bump in the night

Last week I spoke about the Earth Meditations I do of an evening. One of the most beautiful ripple effects from these has been my ever deepening connection with animals. One night in 2018, I went out for my evening Earth Meditation. It was a clear sky, beautiful stars twinkling down, and I settled on my meditation blanket and dropped into a very deep meditation. One of the things I notice about these Earth Meditations is the stillness that comes over me. Even though in human time I spend only 10 to 30 minutes on the land, the stillness makes it feel like much more time has passed. This particular night, I sank very quickly into stillness. I was sitting,...

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