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Frankincense & the Journey Beyond the Body

In our last dive into Oil Love, we looked at how Frankincense oil works like an elixir to open us up to the ecstatic sexual life-force energy that exists within, and how it can be incorporated into our tantric and self-love practices. Then in last week’s blog, A Cry in the Dark I shared a powerful and emotional story of love and letting go. Today, I want to continue with a topic that takes us far beyond the body and address how essential oils can be used in both Palliative care and “crossing over”. What I share may or may not fit your belief system, so please just “take what you want, and leave the rest”. Why is the use...

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A Cry In The Dark

  What is your relationship with challenge? When our glass is full and overflowing, it’s easy to have gratitude for life and everything around us. But what about when life’s lessons are delivered in a bitter-sweet pill? Have you ever felt like you’ve been tumbled through the washing machine, hung out to dry, and just when you start to feel like you’re whole again, you ended up splattered over the windscreen of a mac truck? If you can relate, just know that it happens to the best of us. It’s in our times of greatest darkness that we have the opportunity to unlock our most powerful lessons. In 1996 I attended a profound self-mastery course with Scott Washington. In that...

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The Mermaid’s Tale

Do you ever feel like a fish out of water? Do you ever have that sense of being totally displaced – as if someone plucked you from your real home and plonked you into this body and this life…and didn’t give you a road map? You go through the motions of life, living, loving and laughing to the best of your ability, earning a living, gathering your loved ones close to you, and finding your way North by trial and error and sheer determination. Yet somewhere deep, deep inside of you, you feel like an orphan - lost and homeless. You know there must be a better way and a better place than this. There’s this deep and nagging sense...

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Affirmations to bring Peace to your Day

Ready for some fun? Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which affirmation is choosing you today:   1. My true home is within me and all around me 2. I am a child of God, Holy in every way 3. Let me take this quiet instant, and open my mind to the wisdom around me. 4. I am powerful beyond my greatest dreams 5. When I surrender my need to control the outcome, everything I need is given to me 6. This instant is all that exists. Let me breathe and receive the blessing of this moment. 7. If I am as great and as limitless as I know myself to be, how would my life change?...

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Frankincense & Tantra

  In our last dive into Oil Love, we explored how Frankincense oil is a Universal oil - perfect for just about any situation. I also shared how amazing it is at opening us up to meditation and connection. However, it’s not only the higher chakras that Frankincense oil helps to stimulate. The essential oils of Frankincense and Myrrh were used in ancient cultures to awaken ecstatic sexual energies. And it’s no surprise that it worked! In his book A Scented Ape, Australian Scientist Michael Stoddart shares research into Frankincense and Myrrh, and how these powerful plant resins contain substances akin to male and female sex hormones. This explains why they are so effective for awakening sexuality!!! Begin your tantric...

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