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A few days ago, I went for a walk at dusk. As I was returning home, I heard a rustling in the grass next to where I was walking. It was an echidna nosing into the grass, in search of some ants for dinner. Whilst I do occasionally see echidnas, to be this close to one is incredibly rare. As I crouched with one knee on the bitumen to take a photo, the echidna stopped its foraging and came straight up to me, and nuzzled my knee. Of all the places and directions it could have taken, it chose me, and made a beeline for me. That was not something random, or coincidental. It came up to me because it...

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Crystal Dreaming 2 - How to Let a Crystal Choose You!

In our last blog, I shared the story of a most unusual crystal that had travelled halfway around the world to be with me.  Ultimately, the best way to work with crystals is to let them choose you, rather than you choosing them. Their consciousness reaches beyond their physical form. They (the crystals) know if they are a good fit for you. If they are, they will connect with your heart and Soul, and inspire you to pick them up and take them home with you. Whilst there are many great crystal books on the market that will tell you the benefits of this particular type of crystal, use the knowledge from these books simply out of interest. Why has...

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Crystal Dreaming 1 – Love at First Sight

Crystals are amazing beings of consciousness, and they have been calling to me for 30 years. I no longer walk into a crystal shop thinking “I’m going to buy myself an amethyst crystal”. Instead, I allow the crystal to choose me. One of my most extraordinary crystal stories happened in Venice Beach, USA. I was wandering along my favourite street in Venice Beach, and walked into a lingerie store. There, sitting on a black granite bench, was one of the most beautiful and unusual crystals I had ever seen. I asked if it was for sale, and the woman responded to me emphatically that, “No, that’s not for sale. Lots of people have asked to buy it, but it belongs...

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Magpie Medicine

I love to begin each day with a simple anointing process using essential oils. Yesterday, I was part-way through my sacred anointing ritual. I’d just reached the step where I apply Gratitude oil blend to my heart, and acknowledge something I’m grateful for.  My eyes swept around the room and into the distance, and landed on a beautiful tall Norfolk Pine tree that sits a few hundred metres from my home.   There, sitting at the very pinnacle of the tree, was a Magpie. She was comfortably perched, surveying the world around her.   As I watched, a smaller bird flew onto a nearby branch. It was probably a Noisy Minor or similar. This bird sat for a few moments, then flew...

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Affirmations to Awaken your Day

Ready to awaken your mind and your Soul? Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which affirmation is choosing you today (see below):  1. This instant will change my life. What will I do with it? 2. Show me Father/Spirit/Angels how I may serve you today. Let me be true to your guidance, so that I may be the vessel for your love and wisdom. 3. All that I see is but a dream. What would I see if I Awaken? 4. "I am realistic – I expect miracles." – Dr. Wayne Dyer 5. Even in my darkest moments, I just need to be still and know that the truth will float to the surface in its perfect time. 6. Father/Spirit/Angels:...

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