“The original Valentine comes from Nature. And Nature’s Heart has given us all hearts, andshared with us all the creativity that is in the world.” - Honshin I have an amazing story of love and synchronicity that I want to share with you in a few weeks’ time. So I’m going to do something a bit unusual, and start at the end of the story first. This seems very perfect with Valentine’s Day just around the corner. Back in 2016 I made my first visit to Sedona in Arizona. This magical place is known for the many Vortexes that naturally occur across the landscape. In fact, I was walking across a carpark and walked through one! It was...
Many years ago, I was visiting my mother in Brisbane and she drew my attention to a newspaper article. It told the sad plight of a little Shetland pony who was owned by the local Riding for the Disabled group. His name was Bobby. At that time, Brisbane had been subject to some powerful floods, and with the previous floods many of the horses had ended up stranded. So when weather stations predicted more rain and potential flooding, the owners decided to put all of the horses in the stables on higher ground. But no one was to realise how bad this flood was going to be….and when the RSPCA finally came to the rescue, they found some of...
As I was sorting through boxes over the Christmas break, I came across this beautiful piece of writing, which is attributed to Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder. Ever since I first read "The Invitation", it has resonated with my Soul. I trust it does the same for you..... And why does it speak so strongly? So often our world puts such weight on material things, and things the eyes can see - but it forgets about the real treasures, the ones that live within us. I learned long ago (in business and in life) not to put too much weight on the words that come from people's mouths, because words are cheap. Instead, I measure someone by their actions. These...
Did you enjoy last year’s affirmations? It’s such a beautiful way to remind yourself of what’s important, and an opportunity to gift yourself a moment of “mindfulness” as you connect with the affirmation of the day. A few years ago, I came up with a very powerful set of 8 affirmations as my New Year’s Resolution. They were so transformational that I have consciously lived those principles in my life ever since. This year, I have added one more (number 9). Intuitively pick a number between 1 and 9, and see which affirmation is choosing you today... As a special treat, I’ve also included a Young Living oil blend to partner with your affirmation: 1. Free Fall Let me release all...
I recently attended a business seminar ang got chatting to one of the other participants. We were talking about the concept of making friends. As I shared my own process of connecting with people and developing friendships, I received a vision or analogy that seems very fitting, and I'd like to share with you. When people ask me to describe myself, I say that I’m “multidimensional” This is because I have so many facets to me, like the most beautiful crystal. No matter what angle you look at this crystal from, you will discover something new and wonderful. The beauty is in the variety. Some aspects of the crystal may look dirty or terrifying…yet when viewed as a whole, the...